Original watercolor by Jim Welu, 1964. Author's collection.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

My husband and I have been blessed with children, grandchildren, close friends, good health, and curious minds. Today we will remind ourselves not to take them for granted.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Why This Blog?

Although it's been many years since I've lived in Dubuque, Iowa, I've always considered myself a Dubuquer. I have many wonderful memories of growing up during the 1940s and 50s and am afraid they'll be lost if I don't write them down. I think a blog is the perfect way to share my stories with my family, don't you?

I've recently discovered beautifully designed and written blogs by some of my fellow historians and family researchers. They've shown me what's possible and spurred me on to create my own.

I plan to create and post to two blogs...this one, focusing on my early years growing up in Dubuque, Iowa, and another, profiling my German-American heritage and my often times successful and sometimes not so successful search for my origins in Saarland, Rhineland, Schleswig-Holstein, Bavaria, Austria, and Luxembourg.